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Property Tax

The property industry is one of the most volatile sectors in the UK economy.  Due to their complex nature, property transactions and the variety of ways in which property can be acquired, utilised and disposed of, this results in the need for very careful planning to maximise the return on investment. We take pride in saying we have developed a significant amount of specialist expertise in this area.

Most entrepreneurs involved in businesses of any size will have to make decisions relating to property on a frequent basis whether it is simply entering into a new lease for business premises or more significant development, construction or investment projects.

We act as property accountants for developers, property owning entities based in UK and overseas, construction companies, High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs), individual investors including non-UK resident landlords and related service providers such as estate agents, surveyors and architects.

Our team enjoys working with clients when they are considering investments, and can help by assessing the impact of VAT, as well as both corporate and income taxes in a commercial context on the proposed investment.

How we can help you?

We provide the full range of services to property investors, including:

  • Tax planning, including holding structures.
  • Capital allowances planning on refurbishments.
  • ATED requirements and compliance.
  • SDLT advice and planning.
  • VAT advice and solutions – a complex area in property.
  • Tax compliance and planning.
  • Statutory affairs, accounting and payroll services.
  • Restructuring
  • Personal tax planning for owners.
  • Gifting property and inheritance tax planning.
  • HMRC Worldwide Disclosures and Let Property Campaigns facilitation,
  • Filing and preparing 30 days Capital Gains Tax Returns.

Please contact us, your specialist property accountants, for any help or advice around property matters.

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