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Corporation Tax

Corporation Tax is payable on taxable profits of limited companies. If a company or organization is based in the UK or has a presence in the UK via management and control, then UK tax must be paid on taxable profits, wherever in the world those profits come from.

As Chartered Accountants and Tax Advisors, we understand how the impact of numerous taxes can affect a business. We believe that having a close relationship with our clients will enable us to fully understand their business and their objectives so we can provide them with efficient advice on the impact of tax on their plans.

We aim to minimize our clients’ tax liability by constantly updating them on any changes in tax and providing them with alternatives to their intended transactions or business structures.

How can we help?

Our level of technical knowledge and experience in tax enables us to provide you specialist advice in all areas of tax affecting your business. Our services include:

  • Corporation Tax Returns (CT600) and tax compliance.
  • Specialist advice relating to Capital Allowances, Annual Investment Allowances and First Year Allowance claims.
  • Research and Development and Patent Box tax relief claims.
  • Trading loss relief.
  • Buying, selling  or restructuring companies.
  • Group tax relief and transfers between group companies.
  • Property holding structures and transactions of properties within groups.
  • Business Tax planning and advisory.
  • ATED Capital Gains Tax.

For further information on corporation tax issues, please contact us.

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