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Pension Planning

Pension planning should be one of the most important aspects of your future financial strategy.

Even though planning for retirement does not seem a priority at an early age, forward-thinking and developing a plan from a young age will provide you with a regular income once you retire.

Having a good pension plan in place, together with your other investments and tax strategies could be the most tax efficient investment of all. Pension planning is a very effective tool in Inheritance Tax (IHT) mitigation strategy.

How can we help?

We can advise you on all the tax issues around pension contributions and pension withdrawals:

  • If you are planning to make a pension contribution, then we can advise you on the maximum amount that you can contribute, in order to make use of your Annual Allowance, Lifetime Allowance and the appropriate usage of any unused reliefs from earlier years, without incurring any tax charge.
  • Consideration on whether you should make a pension contribution through your employment and obtain both, income tax and NIC relief.
  • Advice on tax relief available on the pension contributions made, either personally or through your workplace pension scheme.
  • Tax implications and options on withdrawing funds from your pension pot before or after your retirement age.
  • Advice on profit extraction as a ‘pension contribution’ for business owners. We will closely identify your and your business specific circumstances and advise you on the appropriate proportion of salary, dividend and pension contributions as part of your profit extraction strategy.

Please note that we are not authorised to provide advice relating to investment matters, and we will only be able to help you with advice on tax issues. However, we can always refer you and work together with our partners in this area.

If you would like to take advantage of our pension planning expertise and advice regarding any tax issues surrounding your pension contributions or pension withdrawals or setting up a work place pension scheme as per The Pension Regulator’s requirements, please contact us.

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