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Inheritance Tax

Regarded as the most aggressive tax in the UK tax system, IHT is generally payable upon death and during the life of someone where they give away assets. IHT can be reduced significantly by tax planning in advance.

Recently, there has been a considerable focus on IHT planning, as many individuals have estates which easily brings them into the scope of inheritance tax – like it or not!

IHT planning can be complex and requires a detailed understanding of the relevant legislation. It’s important to know that there are methods available which can help to reduce the IHT liable on your estate. These include maximising the reliefs available to you, giving gifts of property and money away prior to death and placing assets into a trust.

We encourage all our clients to make the necessary arrangements as early as possible to increase their chances of taking full advantage of the IHT planning opportunities available to them, hence, maximising the wealth going to their beneficiaries.

We are well placed to review a client’s asset base, personal circumstances and requirements for life. Together with clients, we work to develop a comprehensive plan, which empathises with their objectives and maximises tax mitigation opportunities.

How can we help?

We provide a wide range of inheritance tax planning opportunities, including:

  • Drawing up and reviewing your will.
  • Working with professional will writers or solicitors to ensure your will is tax efficient.
  • Advice on tax implications of lifetime gifts.
  • Tax planning for your pension.
  • Lifetime transfers between spouses.
  • Annual exemptions and lifetime transfers.
  • Maximising allowances, IHT exemptions and business relief.
  • Transferring assets into trust.

Our trusted advisors can give you more details about your tax planning opportunities through a full and comprehensive fact finding meeting.

If you require any further information on Estate or IHT planning, please contact us.

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