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Setting up a Business in the UK

There are many overseas entities and investors wanting to establish their business or businesses in the UK.

With the continuous changes in legislation and financial reporting, inward investors may face challenges in developing their business and making sure it runs smoothly from the outset, whilst focusing on their compliance.

When setting up a business in the UK, tax planning is an essential part of any business plan. If carried out correctly, then the exposure to UK Tax can be significantly reduced.

We offer comprehensive tax planning advice and support, as well as guidance in relation to the legal obligations on setting up a business in the UK, to make sure that you contribute as little time as possible towards your legal and reporting obligations and accord your full attention to your new venture.

Our clients range from start-up companies to subsidiaries of international organisations wishing to establish a presence in the UK.  This also includes overseas professional property investors looking to establish a property portfolio in the UK or venture into property development projects, established either in the UK or overseas.

How can we help?

As part of our extended expertise and knowledge of the tax system in respect of foreign investors looking to expand into the UK, our team of professionals can help you with:

  • Deciding on the most suitable structure of your operations in the UK (e.g. sole trader, partnership, limited company, branch, subsidiary etc).
  • Making sure you understand the tax implications and reporting requirements for setting up a business in the UK.
  • Company formation and administration.
  • Ensuring that you comply with all initial registration procedures required by Companies House and HMRC: VAT, PAYE, Corporation Tax etc.
  • Financial reporting.
  • EU VAT reporting and compliance if trading within EU.
  • Interacting with your foreign accountants and tax advisors to ensure correct treaty positions on dual taxed income and optimising your position between both countries.
  • Anti-avoidance legislation advice.
  • Setting-up a recording system for your internal use and for complying with statutory requirements.

If you would like to discuss your options of expansion in the UK, please contact us.

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