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Pre-UK Arrival Remittance Planning

For individuals planning to settle in the UK or relocate to the UK, careful tax planning has to be carried out and advice has to be sought before they arrive to the UK to ensure that they reduce their vulnerability to UK tax.

Non-UK domiciled individuals have the opportunity to veil their foreign income and gains from the UK tax liability and enjoy the capital accumulated prior to their arrival in the UK tax free.

We have significant experience in working with individuals with an international focus and we can advise you on your domicile and residence status, but also guide you on how to structure your wealth, investments and affairs in a tax efficient way.

How can we help?

If you are planning to come to the UK, then we can assist you with the following matters:

  • Explain the tax implications of remitting funds in the UK.
  • Explaining the benefits and disadvantages of each of your options of taxation in the UK (i.e. Arising vs Remittance Basis of Taxation).
  • Advising you on how to ring-fence your foreign sources of income and gains to ensure tax-efficient access to ‘clean capital’ before arriving to the UK.
  • Tax implications on the acquisition or disposal of UK Properties.
  • Tax implications when you are the subject of ‘Mixed Funds Rules’.
  • Pre-arrival tax planning and advice.

It is crucial that you seek advice well before you arrive to the UK, as otherwise you may reduce your tax planning opportunities. If you are looking for bespoke advice relating to your re-location to the UK, please contact us.

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