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EIS & SEIS – Investment Incentives

As smaller businesses present a higher risk of investment, attracting cash injection could be difficult. The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) have been designed by the government to provide tax incentives for investors, with the aim of encouraging them investing in unlisted trading companies.

Businesses who qualify and register for the SEIS or EIS schemes increase their chances of obtaining the funding required from outside investors. SEIS and EIS offer investors generous income tax reliefs of up to 50% on their investment.

The rules around SEIS and EIS investments are complex and certain conditions must be met in order to be able to issue shares to investors under these schemes. We are able to provide you with valuable advice relating to the requirements that your business should meet in order to qualify for any of the two schemes, such as: business sector, value of assets, number of employees, etc.

How can we help?

If you are looking to find an investor for your business or to invest in an EIS/SEIS Company, we will be delighted to guide you through the complex rules and legislation around EIS and SEIS matters. As part of our services provided, we will:

  • Explain the criteria to qualify as a EIS or SEIS Company.
  • Obtaining advance assurance clearance from HMRC.
  • Confirm your eligibility for the EIS or SEIS Scheme.
  • Prepare the scheme application for your business.
  • Advise you on the requirements to be met for the length of the investment.
  • Prepare EIS or SEIS certificates for investors.
  • Advise EIS and SEIS investors on their tax position and the optimum timing for the disposal of their investments.

If you believe your business should have access to funding through SEIS or EIS Schemes, please contact us.

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